Damietta spinning and weaving co.

Established in 1959 with a capital of L.E 600,000 which has increased progressively reaching the amount of L.E 1,590,835.

About company

The company includes the following units:

  • A factory for the production of cotton, dramatized and combed yarns
  • Factory for the production of cotton textiles
  • Embroidery Factory - Ready Made Furniture

The following results have been realized by the different mills of the company:

Annual production:
The value of the finished products reached 184 million L.E in 93/1994 against 39 million L.E in 86/1987.
The sales reached the amount of L.E 136 million in 93/1994 against 35 million L.E in 86/1978
The exports to European-U.S.A-Asia markets reached 65 million L.E. in 93/1994 against half million in L.E, 86/1978.
-Amount of production target for 1994/1995 is 210 million L.E.
-Amount of sales target for 1994/1995 IS 164 MILLION L.E.
-Amount of export target for 1994/1995 IS 84 million L.E.


The local and exports sales are increasing every year.
he principal reason for this increasing is high quality and consumers confidential.
This is shown by the figures and graphics
  • The total sales of the company reached on 93/1994 137 million L.E against 35 million L.E in 86/1987.
  • The exports in 93/1994 65 million L.E. against 5 million L.E in 86/1987.